AWS Certification & Training

AWS Certification & Training

The AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate certification is among the best paid IT certifications, know that AWS is the first cloud services platform in the world with almost 50% of market share! Earn more than € 100,000 a year with certification as a solutions architect after just a few years.

For this you must train and pass the various AWS associated certification exams and this is where the AWS white exams are essential.

You may have read all the documents available online and still fail the exam! These AWS practice tests simulate the certification exam and help you make sure you understand the subject.

Entirely in French, they include 3 series of 60 unique questions and 3 training series of 65 including mixed questions from the first 3 series. you will have 130 minutes to answer as in the real conditions of the official exam.

English AWS Certification

You can find other platform like Udemy offering English AWS certification courses and training online.